How To Create A Shorcode For Ruby Project Ready Folder

11 Oct 2020

Every time you want to make an app in Ruby, you have plenty to do. For example, you need to create a lib folder, a Gemfile file and put inside all the gems that you need for you application. Run the command : rspec --init to initialize a TDD and more things…

It would be cool to be able to create an command line like mkdiruby who takes care of creating all this for us. Isn’t it ?

It would work like mkdir except that it would take care of everything you need to do when you create a Ruby folder.

Let’s do that…

Long time ago … The Westerns Ages !

We need to create all these files and folder :

1. Create a folder and go inside

// ~ 
$ mkdir mkdiruby
$ cd mkdiruby
-> mkdiruby

2. Create a Gemfile and put all the gems inside it

-> mkdiruby/ $ touch Gemfile
# ./Gemfile
  source ""
  ruby '2.7.1'
  gem 'rubocop', '~> 0.57.2'
  gem 'rspec'
  gem 'gem_needed'

3. Run Bundle install to install dependencies

-> mkdiruby/ $ bundle install

-> mkdiruby/ $ ls
Gemfile Gemfile.lock

4. Don’t forget the !

-> mkdiruby/ $ echo "# New app in Ruby" >>

-> mkdiruby/ $ ls
Gemfile Gemfile.lock

With echo it writes what is in the double quote in the file. If doesn’t exist, it create it.

5. Initialize rspec to execute some Test-Driven Development

  -> mkdiruby/ $ rspec --init

  -> mkdiruby/ $ ls -a
  Gemfile Gemfile.lock spec/ .rspec

6. Create a lib folder

  -> mkdiruby/ $ mkdir lib

  -> mkdiruby/ $ ls -a
  Gemfile Gemfile.lock spec/ .rspec lib/

7. Finally create app.rb and his test app_spec.rb

  -> mkdiruby/ $ touch lib/app.rb

  -> mkdiruby/ $ touch spec/app_spec.rb

Now we can work on our app !

So evertime you create a new app, you need to pass through all this process before starting to code your app…

Let’s me say you something my friend, because i ❤️❤️ you … DRY

Past 2020 … The Coding Ages !

1. (8) Starting from the end of the western ages, we have an app folder ready to be use

  -> mkdiruby/ $ ls -a
  Gemfile Gemfile.lock spec/ .rspec lib/

  -> mkdiruby/ $ ls -a lib
  . .. app.rb

  -> mkdiruby/ $ ls -a spec
  . .. app_spec.rb spec_helper.rb

So, let’s use the app.rb program to automate the different steps detailed above!

2. Create a folder where we are

The idea is that when you run the command ruby /home/your/path/to/mkdiruby/app.rb folder_chosen_name, you create a folder with the chosen name.

In Ruby, it is possible to retrieve the strings entered right after the command typed in the CLI (in our case folder_chosen_name), thanks to the code ARGV. So let’s get back to our app.rb file:

# ./lib/app.rb

  puts ARGV[0]
  -> mkdiruby/ $ ruby lib/app.rb new_folder

In our app.rb file, we now want to program to stop the user in case he doesn’t type a folder name at all or types a folder name with spaces such as folder chosen name:

# ./lib/app.rb

  def check_ARGV
    abort("mkdir: missing input\nYou need to launch this line\n
      ruby lib/app.rb folder_name_to_create\n\nwith only one argument") if ARGV.empty?
    if ARGV.length > 1
      puts "> You need to launch this line\n
      ruby lib/app.rb folder_name_to_create\n\n> with ONLY ONE argument"
      puts "Start creating folder project"
      sleep 1
      puts "End creating folder project"

While running the Dir.mkdir(ARGV[0]) code, we create a folder on the spot with ARGV[0] as a value. Because the ARGV code returns an array, we want to take the first item only as the name of our Ruby project folder.

3. Create the Gemfile

In our app.rb file, we now want to program the creation of a Gemfile filled with the necessary Gems:

# ./lib/app.rb

  def create_gemfile
    puts "Start creating Gemfile"
    sleep 1
    file ="Gemfile", "w")
    file.puts("source \"\"\nruby '2.7.1'\ngem 'rubocop', '~> 0.57.2'\ngem 'rspec'")
    puts "End creating Gemfile"

While running the Dir.chdir code, we change the directory to go inside the folder that we just created. It would be equivalent to cd your_folder typed in the CLI. Additionally, the Dir.pwd code would print your position on the Terminal screen (just like if you typed pwd in the CLI).

While running the"Gemfile", "w") code, we create a new file if it doesn’t exist yet, and/or we open it with the option to write in it. Here, we want to list the Ruby gems that we are going to use for the project. Of course, you are welcome to customize this part depending on which gems you need.

4. Run the command line bundle install to install all the dependencies

In our app.rb file, we now want to program the run of the command bundle install:

# ./lib/app.rb

  def launch_bundle_install
    puts "Start install dependencies"
    sleep 1
    system("bundle install")
    puts "End install dependencies"

In a nutshell, the system("command_line") code enables the Ruby program to run any command line in the CLI.

5. Run the command line rspec --init to create a spec folder and a .rspec file

Same logic, back in our app.rb file, we add:

# ./lib/app.rb

  def launch_rspec
    puts "Start install rspec"
    sleep 1
    system("rspec --init")
    puts "End install rspec"

6. Create the lib folder to store all your application files

You now know the drill, let’s automate another action via our app.rb file:

# ./lib/app.rb

  def create_lib_folder
    puts "Start creating lib folder"
    sleep 1
    puts "End creating lib folder"

7. Create a file to explain what your application does, how we can use it and so on

# ./lib/app.rb

  def create_readme
    puts "Start creating"
    file ="", "w")
    file.puts("# A new application coded with Ruby")
    puts "End creating"

8. Initialize git

# ./lib/app.rb

  def launch_git
    puts "Start initialize git"
    sleep 1
    system("git init")
    puts "End initialize git"

9. Create .env and .gitignore files

# ./lib/app.rb

  def create_env_and_gitignore
    puts "Start creating .env"
    file =".env", "w")
    puts "End creating .env"
    puts "Start creating .gitignore"
    file =".gitignore", "w")
    puts "End creating .gitignore"

10. Wrap it all together in a perform method

Nice! We now have scripted all the steps of a Ruby project folder creation. So, let’s put everything together in a perform method:

  # .lib/app.rb

  def perform


11. Create an alias in your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc

And there we have the cherry on the cake! To gain even more time and productivity, let’s create a new alias to swiftly run our fresh program into the CLI:

  alias mkdiruby="ruby /home/your/path/to/mkdiruby/app.rb"

And that’s it! At this point, should you type mkdiruby folder_chosen_name from anywhere you are in the CLI, you’ll come up with a fully kitted Ruby folder, ready to be used!


ProofReading ✔️